Between you and your mistakes

Financial planning can be complicated, full of numbers, spreadsheets and jargon. At Financial Edge Group we like to use a couple of different analogies and images to help you understand our process because we’re not just passionate about retirement planning, but also about teaching you what we know along the way.

One example we often use is that as financial advisers, we stand between you, and big mistakes.

In our role, we wear many hats, from managing your superannuation to your cash flow, tax, property, shares and more. First and foremost though, we are a sounding board for our clients.

We strive to truly know your situation and help you navigate some of life’s biggest decisions – so that we can not only create wealth for you but equally protect the wealth you already have. 
How do we protect wealth? Well, one of our key responsibilities as your adviser is to help you avoid ‘big’ mistakes. 

This might involve a quick chat before you make changes to your superannuation after a change in the market; or giving you advice about the best time to sell an investment property in order to reap the greatest tax benefits. 

We can’t control your decisions but being a trusted guide means we can help you make sound financial choices with a view to the future, and keep you on track to reach your goals, rather than see you make changes you may later regret.

We take our role – to advise on, protect and grow your wealth ​​– seriously. Helping clients achieve their goals is why we do what we do, so if you would like to schedule a free chat about your financial future, head to today.


Reaching your financial goals vs. beating the index


winner ‘Practice Principal of the year’ 2021 ifa awards